CAT# CV-134
Removal of an Integrated Bicon Implant using Piezosurgery with a Simultaneous Staged GBR Procedure
by Dr Sascha A Jovanovic
A new clinical video release by Dr. Sascha Jovanovic demonstrating the surgical removal of a 20-year-long integrated Bicon dental implant that was unrestorable due to internal connection damage. The removal procedure shows the efficient and atraumatic use of a piezosurgical (Mectron) periotome tip bone cut.
To achieve horizontal ridge augmentation, Dr. Jovanovic utilizes a titanium reinforced D-PTFE Cytoplast membrane from Osteogenics, combined with a mixture of autogenous and xenograft bone graft material. The trimmed and shaped membrane was stabilized using 4 buccal and palatal MCBio bone tacks, and after periosteal release the flap was closed in a primary tension free fashion with 3-0 PTFE sutures supported by Emdogain growth factor (Straumann).
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