CLINICAL VIDEO Coronally Advanced Flap Technique for Gingival Recessions
Mintrone, Francesco
5m 7s
CAT# CV- 108
Coronally Advanced Flap Technique for Gingival Recessions
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
The treatment of single or multiple gingival recessions in patients with esthetic demands has been described since the late '80s with growing evidence that the coronally advanced flap technique in combination with a connective tissue graft is predictable. The therapy is very effective and can be achieved irrespective the number of teeth with gingival recessions and a minimal amount of keratizined gingiva apical to the recession. This clinical video by Dr Francesco Mintrone shows the clinical steps needed to cover maxillary exposed roots and the follow-up.
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Up Next in Mintrone, Francesco
CLINICAL VIDEO Extraction Management ...
CAT# CV-096
Extraction Management in the Esthetic Zone using the Socket Shield Technique
By Dr Francesco Mintrone
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--> also listed as CV-96 -
CLINICAL VIDEO Advanced GBR Augmentat...
CAT# CV-097
Advanced GBR Augmentation and Implant Placement in a Challenging Esthetic Case
By Dr Francesco Mintrone
Explore all of gIDE's Programs at
--> also listed as CV-97